G//arrett will protect your WordPress from hackers.

Hello, I’m G//arrett.
I’m hacking WordPress.

I used to do marketing but now I maintain WordPress with a focus on security.

Some of the Amazing Places I’ve Been Mentioned

2600: The Hacker Quarterly logo.
Security Blue Team logo.
TCM Security logo.


I manage WordPress sites and keep them safe from hackers.

But, I am not a designer and I probably can not fix your computer.

Hosting & Management

I securely host and manage your WordPress website so that you don’t have to worry about it.

Penetration Testing

I poke at your WordPress site and find the security holes, and then I take steps to implement them.


I have exclusive security, SEO, and performance plugins. Plus, I can build whatever you need.


Does computer security stuff

“@g does the right things for the right reasons and stands by his decisions.”

About Me

I protect your WordPress website from hackers.

WordPress, as one of the most popular content management systems, unfortunately attracts the attention of hackers.

For website owners, prioritizing security measures is crucial. Cyberattacks occur approximately once every 39 seconds, with an estimated 30,000 websites being hacked globally each day.

Smaller businesses, in particular, are targeted, as hackers know they may have weaker security measures.

The impact on businesses can be devastating if their sites fall victim to such attacks. In the United States alone, cybercrime cost an estimated $6.9 billion in 2021.

Malware-infected websites not only result in lost revenue and damaged reputation but also incur legal costs. The average cost to a business due to a cyberattack is a staggering $600,000 USD.

Furthermore, if a website is hacked and blocklisted, it can lose up to 98% of its traffic, significantly impacting visibility and customer engagement.

To safeguard your digital assets, take proactive steps by actively securing your WordPress website. Prevention is key, ensuring not only the protection of your business but also the trust of your customers.


2007 – July; joined the USAF with goals of infosec.

20097 – November; separated from USAF training for health concerns.

2009 – February; First job working with WordPress.

2016 – Autumn; published in 2600: The Hacker Quarterly.

2024 – April; Invited to Hack Space Con 2024.

20XX – Completed career transfer to infosec.


20XX – N/A

20XX – N/A

20XX – N/A

An alien bust, maybe AI generated.

Jeff the Alien

Seasoned Cyber Security Analyst

“G is one of those people that runs towards the danger while everyone else runs away!”